West Virginia State Chapter
P.E.O. Sisterhood
How to Submit
Request to join Facebook:
It is easy to join the West Virginia State Chapter PEO Facebook private page:
1. Search Facebook for West Virginia State Chapter PEO
2. Ask to join
3. Answer the question “What Chapter are you in?”
4. Wait for approval
Once you have joined you have two ways to include your Chapter members:
1. Have each of them follow the instructions above
2. You can invite members you know are already on Facebook
If you choose to invite members to join they will receive a notification from Facebook. They will be asked the “question” and wait for approval. There are several Administrators and approval is almost immediate.
Local Chapter News and Photos
Local chapter news and pictures should be posted to the Facebook page.
General Store
General Store items are submitted by email to the Technology Chairman. They can be submitted as .pdf files or Word files. They are then uploaded to the Webmaster once a month. Items should be submitted the way they are intended to look. They will be posted as they are submitted. Once items are no longer available contact the Technology Chairman to have the items removed,
Program Ideas
Program ideas are submitted by email to the Technology Chairman. They can be submitted as .pdf files or Word files. They are then uploaded to the Webmaster once a month. Items should be submitted the way they are intended to look. They will be posted as they are submitted. Include a contact name, chapter and email address when submitting a program idea. Be willing to answer detailed questions about the program if asked.